
The excellence in the innovation of tanning devices.

Tecnosole has been operating in the beauty and tanning sector for more than 20 years, during this period it has established itself on the nation and international market and it is very appreciated for the high technical and innovative content of its products, without however forgetting the refined Made in Italy design that distinguishes it.

All the equipments produced in the Padua site are the result of a careful research into the use of modern technologies in order to offer maximum performances using minimum energy. Tecnosole exploits the clean energy of the sun to produce electricity which it uses in its factory, for an increasingly green world.

Contact us

Feel free to ask us any questions related to our activities. We will be happy to answer you!


Via Fornace II strada, 24/B 35010 San Giorgio delle Pertiche
(PD) Italy
NR° REA 318074
Capitale Sociale 50.000€
P.IVA 03547900286
Tel: +39 049 9630771